I probably haven't thought about this song much since high school, but it was the default entry on Wikipedia the other day (go figure). And reading about the composition and production of this song made me realize 1) how good a song it is and 2) how good a band U2 are. From the opening guitar riff -- inspired by West African highlife -- to the electroacoustic Raad strings that were designed and commissioned for the song by a group of Canadians under the auspices of Daniel Lanois, to the subtle fuzz guitar solo the Edge plays at the end, to Bono's vocals, which he did in one take because he was too emotionally distraught to sing them a second time.
It's simply an exemplary track on an outstanding album. And it still gives me chills 26 years later. I've said it before: U2 are the band that has stayed relevant longer than any other rock history. And here they are at their creative zenith.
Great song. A quick facebook story: last year on Tony Kohl's birthday, I saw a great post from Conway. It stated that the poem he submitted as an original was actually "One Tree Hill." He was sorry to let him down. He got an A+ on it Tony was impressed with his writing ability. Nothing like fessing up 23 years later.