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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Song In My Head

Ok, with tonight's season finale of "Gene Simmons Family Jewels" (side note - this might be one of the greatest seasons of any reality show I have ever seen.  Gene, the super ego maniac, comes to terms with his reality of the destructiveness he has cause his common law wife, Shannon Tweed, and his two children, with the help of a psychiatrist - all in front of a TV camera!!!) I have chosen what KISS fans consider one of the worst moves the band ever made. (...and they have made plenty of bad moves - The Elder anyone?) The song in my head is the disco driven "I Was Made for Lovin' You."  I would have loved to see a band like Franz Ferdinand cover this.  ***Trivia note*** - Peter Criss, drummer for the band, for whatever reason, could not play this song, so on the studio recording, David Letterman drummer Anton Fig filled in for him.  Enjoy

I Was Made for Lovin You

1 comment:

  1. You're right! That's a perfect song for Franz Ferdinand to cover. They'd do it great.

    There's also a definite Blondie "Call Me" vibe going on here...
