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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Song In My Head

I'm going Old School with this one -- it's "Getting Better" by the Beatles. I pulled out Sgt. Pepper's this weekend and played it during the snowstorm as the kids and I build Legos. Alex especially liked this song -- which has long been one of my favorite non-exotic Beatles songs. And let's hope things are getting better... for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Really? I nvere really liked it. The line about being curel and beating his girl, never sat well with me. I think (and as a Beatle fan) the album is a bit overrrated. I cannot listen to it.

    Speaking of getting better...we won our game, I then had to go to the emergicenter whenre I had a 102 fever, upper respirtory infection, and ear infection. Oh, and we have been without power from the storm since Saturday PM.
