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Friday, December 2, 2011

Song in My Head

Do you know of an artist you like, but do not have anything by them?  Joe Jackson is one of them for me.  I think the guy is talented.  Coming in with some of the early "new wave" artists from Britain, Joe covered various genre's with his Look Sharp! album, to the reggae infused Beat Crazy to the Cole Porter influenced Night and Day.  I heard "Steppin' Out" the other day, and it's been in my head.  It's not my favorite by him, but if you truly listen to it, it's an interesting mix of a driving synth, Prince stylized drumming, with a classical piano.  He's a talent that kind of just disappeared.  He showed up helping out William Shatner in one of our favorite's, his cover of Pulp's "Common People."  I also know Joe is against all the anti-smoking campaigns around New York and other major cities.  Interesting fellow.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I just heard "Is She Really Going Out With Him" on the radio last night...
