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Friday, March 9, 2012

1979 - The Best Year Ever?

I dare you to find another year as musically fruitful as 1979. Post-punk -- arguably the most important rock genre in my life -- was at its zenith. (1979's output of  post-punk albums alone would put the year at or near the top of the heap.) Than add what is widely considered to be the best album ever -- London Calling -- which took the urgency of punk, fused it with dub and made it all mean something. Then throw in the contribution of new wave and the nascent rap scene and it's an unbeatable year in music.

Here's the evidence:

London Calling - The Clash

Metal Box - Public Image Ltd.

Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division

154 - Wire

Entertainment - Gang of Four

Reel to Real Cacophony - Simple Minds

And I didn't even include "Cars" by Gary Numan or "Rappers Delight" by the Sugarhill Gang!

Go ahead ... name me a better year in music.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I only own London Calling. I will try and refute this...
