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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

North Koreans Take On "Take On Me"

So you've probably already seen it, but the video of the North Korean accordion musicians playing a-Ha's "Take on Me" is worth watching. I'm sure the Dear Leader is smiling somewhere in heaven.

And when you're done watching that video, you can watch this ultra-creepy video of shrunken North Korean guitarists. I don't believe that they are children -- I think they are miniturized adults. And the way they all move in unison really weirds me out.

1 comment:

  1. I was unaware of both of these videos. The 1st one is cute, but it's the second one that mesmerized me.

    Those kids can play. The head bopping and simultaneous turns towards each other had me chuckling. How bizarre. I'm still shaking my head with that one.
